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The World’s Best Bounty Hunter Is 4-Foot-11. Here’s How She Hunts.

27 juillet 2021

AT 4'11" AND just over 100 pounds, Michelle Gomez doesn't look like the sort of person you’d hire to retrieve earthmoving equipment stolen by a Peruvian crime family. But in the summer of 2013, that’s…

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Dropping in on the Demented Utopia of the Gathering of the Juggalos

27 juillet 2021

I have infinite shortcomings as a Juggalette, but here are my two main ones: I can't say "titties" with a straight face, even when my face is covered with clown makeup. And I do not have any desire ev…

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A Homeless City in the Woods

27 juillet 2021

The shower is a thing of beauty. Stainless-steel well point buried twenty feet below a cast-iron hand pump connected by gutter pipe to a 55-gallon drum draining through a garden hose into a propane-fu…

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The World’s Best Bounty Hunter Is 4-Foot-11. Here’s How She Hunts.

27 juillet 2021

AT 4'11" AND just over 100 pounds, Michelle Gomez doesn't look like the sort of person you’d hire to retrieve earthmoving equipment stolen by a Peruvian crime family. But in the summer of 2013, that’s…

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Dropping in on the Demented Utopia of the Gathering of the Juggalos

27 juillet 2021

I have infinite shortcomings as a Juggalette, but here are my two main ones: I can't say "titties" with a straight face, even when my face is covered with clown makeup. And I do not have any desire ev…

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A Homeless City in the Woods

27 juillet 2021

The shower is a thing of beauty. Stainless-steel well point buried twenty feet below a cast-iron hand pump connected by gutter pipe to a 55-gallon drum draining through a garden hose into a propane-fu…

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About the author

I am Grace Doe, an executive office manager. A few of the main duties of an executive manager are implementing department wide policies...

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